Hey! I am

Aiden, Wonjong Lee

I am intrigued by

About Me

Given just a robot, coffee, and a laptop, I am Wonjong Lee, a researcher who can work happily anytime, anywhere.

  • Name: Aiden, Wonjong Lee
  • Position: M.S. Student
  • Email: leewj1208@gmail.com
  • Address: 35, Baekbeom-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


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Master's degree

Artifical Intelligence
Sogang University

My research areas include Multi-Agent Path Finding, Reinforcement Learning, and Robot Vision. I am currently a Research Assistant in Professor ChangJoo Nam's laboratory. Additionally, I serve as a Teaching Assistant for Data Structures and other courses in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.

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Bachelor's degree

Mechanical Engineering & Electronics Engineering Double Major
Sogang University
GPA : 4.09/4.5 (Magna Cum Laude)

I am an active member of the Sogang University Department of Mechanical Engineering Band, Bluenote, where I primarily play the electric guitar. Additionally, I participate in the robotics society within the Mechanical Engineering Department, known as MECHA. Our team in MECHA competed in the World Embedded Software Contest 2021.
I have also completed three courses in Computer Science, including Operating Systems.

Work Experience

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Research Assistant

AI Robotics Lab

Conducted research under the guidance of Prof. Changjoo Nam, focusing on advanced algorithms and machine learning applications. Contributed to research papers and participated in academic conferences.

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Teaching Assistant

Sogang Unviersity

Assisted in the preparation and delivery of lectures and labs for undergraduate courses in computer science and artificial intelligence. teaching materials and provided support to students during office hours.

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Republic of Korea Army

I completed my service and was honorably discharged as a Sergeant in the Republic of Korea Army. I faithfully served my country and diligently fulfilled my duties. During personal maintenance times, I had the opportunity to reflect on life. It was a valuable time for me.



Merry-Go-Round: Safe Control of Decentralized Multi-Robot Systems with Deadlock Prevention

IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

W. Lee, J. Sim, J. Kim, S. Jo, W. Luo, and C. Nam
Under review


Escaping Local Minima: Hybrid Artificial Potential Field with Wall-Follower for Decentralized Multi-Robot Navigation

IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

J. Kim, S. Park, W. Lee, W. Kim, H. Choi, N. Doh, and C. Nam
Accepted for publication (BK21+ CS Top Conference)


Puzzle Heuristics: Efficient Lifelong Multi-Agent Pathfinding Algorithm for Large-scale Challenging Environments

The Journal of Korea Robotics Society, Also presented at The League of Robot Runners Virtual Expo 2024

W. Lee, J. Sim, C. Nam
Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 281-286



Advanced proficiency in Python, with experience in data analysis, machine learning, and image Processing.


Skilled in containerization technologies, especially Docker, for creating, deploying, and running applications.


Experienced in C++ for high-performance applications, MAPF Algorithms, image processing.


Utilizing the Robot Operating System (ROS) to develop complex network systems with Docker.


Experienced in computer vision techniques and applications, including image processing and pattern recognition.


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The League of Robot Runners

Technology Stack : C++, Docker
I had the opportunity to deeply explore Multi-Agent Path Finding as part of the AIRLAB team, which was composed of two members: an undergraduate student (myself) and a master's student. Participating in an Amazon-sponsored competition, it was enriching to compete against various scholars and professors. Working tirelessly through the night to meet tight deadlines, coding to satisfy the given tasks was truly a valuable experience for me.
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Task with a Company

Sogang University
Technology Stack : Pytorch, Python, Docker
I participated in a collaborative project with a company, focusing on the operation of flexible cable insertion via deep reinforcement learning. In this project, I contributed by applying robot vision technology to complete the tasks. As an undergraduate, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to handle robots used in actual industry settings and learn about collaboration through interactions with various individuals.
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Avoiding Transparent Fluids using Turtlebot4

 YouTube pdf 
Sogang University
Technology Stack : Pytorch, Python, Docker, ROS2
As part of my design project, I utilized the Turtlebot4 to tackle the task of avoiding transparent fluids. This project allowed for extensive exploration of communication and networking using the robot, enhancing my ability to troubleshoot and control emerging issues. Additionally, I implemented robot vision technologies to execute the task and managed the environment using Docker.
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Detecting and Wiping Transparent Fluids

 YouTube pdf 
Sogang University
Technology Stack : Pytorch, Python, Docker, ROS
In a project on robotic manipulation for wiping fluids, we developed a system capable of detecting and cleaning transparent fluids like water. My role was primarily in segmenting the images, where we ensured that the manipulator could accurately recognize the fluids. Through collaboration, we resolved challenges quickly, which was a beneficial learning experience as we also got to observe and learn from our colleague's work on the manipulator. This project was not only a significant learning opportunity but also led to our participation in the KRoC (Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference), enhancing our exposure and networking within the academic community.
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Humanoid Section - Embedded Software Competition

 YOUTUBE  pdf 
MECHA - Mechanical Engineering Club at Sogang University
Technology Stack : Tensorflow, Python
A team of four from the Mechanical Engineering Club at Sogang University participated in the competition. We developed recognition and navigation algorithms for robots, contributing significantly to our team. My studies in mechanical engineering had primarily been theoretical, so seeing the robots in action sparked a real interest in me. Each time we solved a long-standing problem, I found the process incredibly enjoyable and became deeply engaged. This experience inspired me to embark on a career in robotics research.

Contact Me

I will become a robot researcher who can have a positive impact.
Please contact me.

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Wonjong Lee

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Email Address


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